Who Is Tim?
I have always enjoyed working with and helping others. I have always found myself within different customer service positions in the workforce. Currently I work as a customer service representative, where I am afforded the unique opportunity to interact and assist Nevadans in their everyday lives. On a daily basis I am faced with new and challenging issues which I must work to creatively address and solve. I plan to take this unique understanding and adaptability with me to the halls of congress.
I understand first hand the struggles many individuals face trying to afford an education relying on a part-time job. Countless others have to juggle many jobs in order to afford living. I will be the loudest and strongest advocate for working class American families and those struggling to pay their bills and make ends meet. It's time for working class Americans to receive some customer support from congress.
As a child and young adult, I struggled with mental health issues. I know that I am not alone. Mental health related issues are an ever-growing medical issue within our state, ranking in the mid to low 40’s in the US. The whole issue has been stigmatized within this country and will continue to debilitate those affected unless we move to act now. I will fight to ensure that mental health services are covered by health care plans within America. Investments need to be made into improving mental health services and detection within our youth. Treatments and guidance need to be de-stigmatized. More must be done.
My time gaining experience in politics may have been brief, but was impactful. I was an academic intern in both Washington DC and Reno working for the late Senator Harry Reid. During this time, I attended congressional hearings, assisted in constituent work, and helped organize the 2016 Tahoe summit. I was able to listen and meet many politicians from both sides of the aisle. I learned what it takes to be an effective leader in Washington D.C. and how to best serve Nevada.
We are no longer in a period of blissful hope and quiet oppression. We must act in order to embrace the future and create a better tomorrow.
As a child I was envious of those who were optimistic for the future -I grew up in a world saturated in violence which left my generation to inherit the traumas and mistakes of the past. I hope to promote hope and peace to a world which was not given to me. I want a world we are proud to give our children, not one hoping they fix our mistakes. The time for action is now, and I am here to change the conversation.